The Complete Newborn Baby Checklist Printable (perfect for first-time moms)
Newborn baby checklist printable shopping list for first time moms
If you’ve stumbled upon this post, you’re likely expecting a new little one (or shopping for someone who is expecting) so congratulations! I’m so glad you’re here and I hope I can take some of the anxiety out of what you’ll need for your newborn. I created this newborn baby checklist printable shopping list so you have all your newborn needs in one place.
First things first, let’s all admit that creating a baby registry is hard work. As if you don’t have enough stress on your plate trying to juggle everything to prepare for baby’s arrival, you also have to choose the “right” things for your newborn as well.
The additional stress of making sure you get everything perfect and add all the best items can drive any mamma-to-be right to the edge. I did a TON of research when registering for my little lady, so this comprehensive newborn shopping list for first-time moms includes everything you’re going to need for your new baby.
I’d recommend bookmarking or pinning this page so you can come back later because there is A LOT of information listed below, and this is a long one.

This post contains affiliate links. That means if you buy something using one of my links I may receive a small commission – at no additional cost to you. Feel free to read my full disclosure if you want more info.
How to choose which baby essentials are right for your family
These are a few of my top tips when you’re first starting out on your baby registry journey. Shopping for baby essentials is fun, but you need to have the basics down first. So, before you dive into all the newborn must-haves, make sure you’ve set up your registry for success.
- For maximum research efficiency, buy the most updated Baby Bargains book.
- Choose your registry sites and stores including at least one physical store and two to three options. Don’t forget to scout out the best completion discounts and bonuses.
- Set a budget by category, outlining items that are most important for you BEFORE you start adding to your registry. It is important to keep in mind that you’ll be “completing the registry” for things you don’t purchase. *On that note, you can (and should) add more later. I’d recommend registering for the splurge items you wouldn’t buy (or can’t afford) yourself.
- There were a few useful websites I found when creating my registry, and I highly recommend you check them out:
- Lucie’s List – Great resource for product recommendations
- Gimme The Good Stuff – Resource to help understand toxins and products that may be toxic to your family and home (that you probably wouldn’t expect!)
- EWG – This won’t help with the registry, but once you start researching cleaning and toxic products you’ll probably want to look elsewhere in your home for hidden nasty stuff. (Hello, cleaning supplies!)
Read the Baby Bargains Book
If you are super into the details and research behind each item you buy, this book is an invaluable resource. However, I do have to warn you that you may spend weeks just pouring over the information. It breaks down a good/better/best option in each category and incorporates customer satisfaction, longevity, price, etc. to give each product a grade. “Good” options can still get A ratings, and not every expensive product is given a good grade. There are a lot of poor grades given to “high quality” products and I would never have had that background if I hadn’t purchased this book.
Setup your baby registries
Registering in multiple places is really important as it gives gift-givers options. You’ll want to include at least one physical store (preferably a national chain) so that everyone who wants to buy you a gift is able. Many grandparents to be and great grandparents prefer to shop in person, so you want to make sure you give everyone an easy way to get your gift, and to find your baby registry.
We registered a few different places to give people the most options at various price points:
Register on Amazon
Definitely register on Amazon. I will say that the return policy here isn’t as good as many places. It’s only 90 days from receipt of shipment, but you can’t underestimate how many things you’ll end up buying online in those first few weeks.
With free shipping and returns on most baby items (with Prime), it is definitely worth putting on your list. Prime will be your new best friend and all those gift cards will add up. However, you will need to balance how much you order here versus elsewhere, especially if you publish your registry far in advance of any baby showers.
If gift-givers hold your gift for two months before your shower, your actual window of return is quite limited. The good news is if you’re not sure if you’ll use something, you can always return it for the Amazon credit, which I promise you’ll use in those early months.
Another great bonus is that you can continue to add things and use your completion discount up to 60 days post-baby arrival date. You can “complete the registry” to get 10% off eligible items, 15% off for Prime members. Once you have the baby this is a great way to stock up on diapers or other things you need but didn’t get at your shower. {On that note, you should be stocking up on diapers now!}
Related: How to stock up on diapers and save big!
Another nice feature on Amazon is that you can create a “universal registry” and link to other items you want on different websites. I pulled some of my Pottery Barn wish list in this way and was able to get the diaper bag I wanted without having to create a separate registry.
Before you keep reading, drop your email below to get your FREE Newborn Essentials Checklist Printable & Registry Guide delivered directly to your inbox!
The Mamma’s List Newborn Essentials Checklist ♥️
OK – finally down to the good stuff and all my top registry picks by category. Keep in mind, I recommend looking at the newest version of Baby Bargains if you want updated reviews on the latest versions of every product. I used an older version because it was the newest available when I built my registry.
All my recommendations below take that research into account, but I’ve updated with new information as things are outdated. That said, I’ve actually USED all the items on my registry now that I have a toddler, and can personally recommend them.

Baby’s Nursery Checklist
I’ve tried to be concise (although this is a long list) since I know you’re looking in a million different places for information. If you’re looking for more details, I do have even more information on each of these sections in other posts. Feel free to browse my comprehensive post on Nursery Essentials.
Related: Baby Registry Guide: Nursery Essentials Checklist
Crib & Dresser
We went a little crazy in this category as little lady’s great grandmother decided she’d like to gift us our nursery furniture. I did a lot of research and decided on Romina furniture, but we were also looking at Pottery Barn Kids as well. There are so many different options out there for every budget. I’d recommend going with a brand that is greenguard certified, which basically means the products pass specific emissions and VOC testing and won’t be off-gassing harmful chemicals into your nursery.
Related: Why you want Greenguard certified furniture in your nursery
Again, this will depend on personal preference and decor. I didn’t want a glider because I was hopeful that we’d be able to find a place SOMEWHERE in our house for the nursery chair once we wanted to move it out of her room. I’d also gotten a helpful hint that I may be spending a lot of time in said chair, and it would be nice if it was comfortable and reclined.
We sat in a ton of chairs, but ended up with the Storytime Series – Bilana. The great news about these chairs is that they are special order, and you can choose from about a million different fabrics. We got one in ivory and it looks great with our dark wood furniture. Google local baby stores and I’m sure you’ll find one that carries the Storytime Series line, or look up retailers from their website.
Side Table
We upcycled an old IKEA nightstand that I put beside the chair in her room. It didn’t really matter to me that this one doesn’t match the bedroom set because we didn’t have room for two in the nursery, and once we convert and get nightstands I’ll probably want a matching set. If you’re nursing you’ll definitely want a place for some water, snacks, a phone, etc. and now the table is basically our second bookshelf since we read in the chair.
Changing pad
Summer Infant Contour Changing Pad
We went with this one because it was the #1 rated changing pad on Amazon and it was super cheap. I didn’t feel like something we’d be getting poop on needed to be expensive.
Changing pad cover
You’ll need at least two, maybe three of these for the messes and blowouts of the newborn months. I chose options that matched our nursery decor and alternate sheet sets. We have two Burt’s Bees covers that have both lasted two years! They are organic cotton which I was pretty concerned about when she was a newborn.
White noise machine
I’d actually recommend that you get two of these. If your baby sleeps in your room you’re going to love it as well. We actually kept the first one we got for our room when she transitioned into the nursery.
Now that we’ve tried a few white noise and sound machines, I have to wholeheartedly recommend the Hatch Rest Plus for a nursery. It has a variety of sounds and light options, as well as programming from your phone.
It grows with your child from a white noise/nightlight to an OK-to-wake clock, and finally shows a digital clock when they can start reading time. We upgraded our older daughter to the Rest Plus when we got the original Hatch for our new baby. It took the place of her white noise machine and OK to wake clock, and she loves being able to choose the sounds and colors.
Diaper Pail
The great thing about this diaper pail is that you don’t have to buy special bags for it. We use the trash can size trash bags from Costco and have enough excess to tie up cleanly when we pull them out. It is also metal so supposedly the pail itself doesn’t hold odor like some of the plastic. I will say that it holds odor in – her room doesn’t always smell like dirty diapers, but when we take out the diapers that thing STINKS.
After almost two years of poop, I understand why and am still happy with the purchase. The little handle on top is actually a sliding door that completely seals off the smell. The awesome thing here is that there is no stuffing your hand all the way into the pail to seal off the latest diaper. Again, trust me, you aren’t going to want to stick your hand in there.
Crib Mattress
Naturepedic lightweight organic cotton 2 stage dual firmness
My biggest concern here was how much time baby would be face down on the mattress, and I didn’t want to have any chemicals near her for an extended period of time.
I loved that this mattress has two firmness options, for infants and toddlers, and was organic, greenguard and allergy certified. We also went with the Naturepedic Mattress Pad Cover, but since the mattress is waterproof technically we didn’t need it. I didn’t like the idea that urine could end up directly on the mattress, even if it was waterproof so we went ahead with overkill and got the cover as well.
Carbon monoxide detector
Hop over to Home Depot and grab one. We recently upgraded to one that also has a natural gas detector as well.
This one also has a digital display that lets you know the peak CO2 level if you’re really wanting more data.
Nursery Decor
We got most of our decor from the Restoration Hardware (RH) registry, and supplemented with some additional baskets and curtains from Home Goods. Again – here’s a great chance to register for things you may not want to splurge on for yourself, but some nice friend of the family would love to get you!
Storage bins & baskets
These canvas options from RH are adorable, but they are a little floppy. Little lady has fallen in a few times digging deep in the canvas one for toys, but it’s not enough of an issue that I wouldn’t recommend them. We use the large square wicker basket to store her blankets and sheets.
Crib bedding set
We went with organic sheets for her Pack N Play, but did regular cotton for her crib. I really don’t know if organic makes a difference or not, but at first I wanted to be as careful as possible with things that touched her skin. We tried the American Baby Company Organic sheets from Amazon but we sent them to daycare and they ended up stained looking from either the mats or frequent washings.
I wouldn’t recommend them if you want something that looks nice for the long run, but they are cost-effective, soft, and organic so if you want something when you’re just starting out they are a nice option.
Her formal crib bedding we got from our RH registry – a light pink washed satin skirt, and a pink and grey elephant sheet. Please don’t use bumpers in your baby’s bad – they don’t promote safe sleep!
After we got through the organic cotton phase, I found Burts Bees sheets to be amazing. They have tons of different colors, are pretty soft, and hold up really well. We’ve ended up with four of these sheets for our two girls in the crib, so I’d highly recommend them if you’re OK not using organic sheets.
Do yourself a favor and go blackout. We thought we’d get away with some adorable pink ones, but ended up buying a double rod with blackout underneath, which cost more money in the long run. When you’re working on sleep training or just need to have a dark room for your LO to nap, trust me when I say it’s worth it to make the investment up front.
Need more help? Dive into The Registry Fairy now!
Figuring out what items are the best for you and your family can be tricky. Not to mention you’re already doing a TON of research on newborn essentials and your baby registry. If not, why would you be here?!
The great news is that I have something that can help. It’s called The Registry Fairy and is a set of done-for-you organizational spreadsheets and videos that take all the guesswork out of the baby registry process. It helps take all the stress out of your baby registry and provides real-life (mom and baby tested) recommendations for items that you’ll want. If you want a step-by-step guide to the baby registry of your dreams – check out The Registry Fairy.
Learn more about how to get done-for-you registry organization and recommendations here!
On the go essentials for your newborn
This section of the newborn baby checklist includes everything you need to take your baby “on the go” and get out of the house. Again, if you want a full post with even more details, you can check out the deep dive version.
Related: Everything you need to take your newborn on the go
Diaper bag
We got this one from Pottery Barn, but most of the Skip Hop brands I looked at were rated highly. If I was going to do it over, I’d also get a backpack diaper bag because after the newborn phase you don’t always want to lug around a giant suitcase.
That being said, if we’d had anything smaller in the early days it would have been hard to pile in everything we brought to leave the house.
*Edit: We did end up getting a diaper bag backpack. I LOVED the Freshly Picked Diaper Bag when our oldest was a toddler. It’s still a must-have with two, but I was right. It’s harder to stuff everything in for two kids.
Chicco Keyfit 30 + extra base
I highly recommend this carseat, along with the Carseat Caddy for infant use. We definitely wanted an infant carseat before transitioning into a convertible, and this fit the bill perfectly. I always felt like she was super safe, and it was easy to carry her in and out and swap cars even while she was sleeping.
The Carseat Caddy was also great for this purpose as you didn’t need to transition a sleeping baby to a stroller. We used it as her regular stroller until she was well over six months old. You can jump right to a convertible carseat, but it makes transitioning a sleeping infant much harder, and one of my cardinal rules of infancy was to never wake a sleeping baby (except in the first two weeks to eat :))
Carseat Canopy
This is only applicable if you’re using an infant car seat, but since we did, this was a must. We used it to help our baby nap and to keep the sun out of her face while on walks. If you’re using one in the summer be sure to leave it vented because the temperature can rise quickly under these things.
? Hot deal: I found this awesome website that will send you a free car seat canopy as long as you pay for shipping. Use code THEMAMMASLIST50 to grab one for free (works up to $50).
Britax Back Seat Mirror
These aren’t typically recommended by car seat experts for safety reasons, but it was critical for me to be able to see little lady while I was driving. She screamed a lot at first in the car and I always wanted to make sure she wasn’t choking and was still ok when she was upset.
This mirror straps all around the headrest so I didn’t feel that it was unsafe, and we have one in both our cars. If you aren’t aware, they aren’t considered 100% safe as they could come off and become a projectile in the event of a crash. However, when weighing the erratic nature of my driving when she was screaming and I couldn’t see what was going on, versus the off chance it would somehow become unstrapped in a wreck, I decided we’d both be a lot safer if I just put the mirror in.
The best thing about this stroller is the one-handed close, which has been so helpful as a mom who only ever has one hand available. It was also critical that the large canopy protect from sun (which it does) and also have a window so I could see what little was doing.
It’s super easy to steer and has great tires and suspension so I don’t mind going a little off-road with it. I did get used to the HUGE basket on the Keyfit Caddy, so I miss that feature, but I’m happy with the purchase overall, and for the price, it’s definitely a win.
Umbrella stroller
Summer Lite 3D Convenience Stroller
This is a well-priced umbrella stroller that we’ve checked on an airplane at least nine times with no issue. It is much lighter than the Baby Jogger and takes up way less space to pack in a trunk.
If you travel or just want to pick up a convenient umbrella stroller, this is definitely a good bet. You can get umbrella strollers for super cheap, but they will only have a lap belt. We went on our first trip when little lady was seven months old and she definitely still needed the five-point harness. This stroller has that as well as a decent size canopy, which many cheaper umbrella strollers are missing. Definitely a good option for travel!
Baby Wrap
I LOVED this wrap when little lady was super tiny. We started using it at about four weeks, and as soon as I put her in she immediately fell asleep. It was my secret weapon. I actually called it baby magic. We used it until she was about five or six months old, when we switched to the Ergo. Although a wrap is a bit of a pain to get on and off, it was absolutely worth it once I found out how soothed she felt in the early days.
Baby Carrier
We loved our Ergo and it was the carrier daddy used most of the time. We didn’t use the infant insert because we still felt like little lady was too small for the carrier, so we used our Boba wrap until we could use the booster pillow and she fit comfortably in the Ergo. It was so great to be able to strap her on and go out and run errands. Definitely a must-have baby item.
*Edit: They’ve since updated the Ergo 360 to an Ergo Omni carrier, and most structured baby carriers don’t need infant inserts anymore. I am leaving this version on the list because I don’t have personal experience with the Ergo Omni or any of the other newborn structured carriers. I don’t like to recommend items I haven’t personally used or seen in action, but check out the latest version and reviews if you’re interested in a newer model.
Shopping cart cover
You’ll probably want one of these for when you go shopping or out to eat to cover high chairs. We don’t use it anymore at 21 months, but at first, when I was terrified of germs we took it everywhere. I’d recommend one with the positioner pillow because baby may have trouble sitting up in a shopping cart at first, even when they sit up well on their own elsewhere.
Portable Sound Machine
We were using a sound machine in our room as soon as little lady was born, and bought one for her room as soon as she transitioned into her crib just after three months. She was always super fussy in the car and listening to the rain app on my phone always soothed her. This Marpac Hushh Portable Sound Machine is an awesome size and price for travel, or for just strapping to baby’s car seat when going out.
Newborn Baby Checklist for Around the House
Activity Gym
Fisher-Price Kick N Play Piano Gym
The Kick N Play Piano Gym is great as it is a toy that lasts through multiple stages. It can provide stimulation and fulfillment even when they are just starting to kick. There are tons of bright colors as well as sounds from the piano and the toys. We loved watching little lady learn to kick and hit the keys, and then eventually reach up for the hanging toys.
After baby learns to move, the toys can come off and go places for continued use. Finally, the piano comes fully off and can be used on its own. It is still in the rotation at 21 months.
We decided to go multi-purpose and use a Pack N Play in our room for sleeping. That being said, little lady was a little farther away than I would have liked initially. With our first, I’d heard from some friends that their babies could only sleep in the bassinet for a couple of months and I didn’t want to spend the extra money when I knew we’d get way more use out of a Pack N Play.
With our second, I’d done more research, and been around the block with baby sleep, so we got a SNOO. If you’re interested, you can read our full review here.
Related: An Honest SNOO review, and why you want this smart sleeper bassinet
Baby Bouncer
We have a Fisher-Price version, but any baby holding device works here. For our first daughter, we had a Rock N Play and loved it, but those were recalled. If you happen to see one at a garage sale or on a second-hand site, don’t buy it!
These are basically a must-have if you ever plan to put your baby down.
Baby Monitor
Infant Optics DXR8 Video Monitor
I’m going to recommend this monitor because I haven’t found a better option. I love the fact that we can see her, there is two way communication, and the camera provides different angles in the room. It also has a million good reviews on Amazon. When the battery failed (wouldn’t hold a charge unless it was plugged in) they replaced it without question which was awesome.
It is also reasonably priced for a video monitor. However, I wouldn’t say that this is one of our favorite baby items. The biggest cons are that the battery life is less than six hours, and possible Wi-Fi interference. We have to plug it in every evening before bed or it’s dead in the morning, and my husband swears it interferes with our wi-fi. That said, it doesn’t go THROUGH WI-FI so there are no concerns with hacking.
There are a million books you can register for and I won’t pretend I can cover them all in this list. I will recommend registering for a set of miniature board books, pictured above. Little lady loved these her first year because they were her perfect size. She now “reads” them to herself at 21 months. I don’t think I would have ever thought about something like this when I was first registering, hence the recommendation!
Pack N Play (Playard)
I’d recommend registering for two Pack N Plays. One bare bones and one with bells and whistles if you’d like. We used one with a napper and changing station. The changing station was incredibly useful in the early days. It’s what we used the first few months of her life for changing and dressing. The napper – not so much. She didn’t love it, and I couldn’t figure out the way to attach it properly for vibration.
The nearby bassinet in the above option seems like a much more functional accessory. As a bonus, it can double as a travel bed if needed. The more bare-bones option can be used at grandma’s or for travel. Again, the second PNP is only a “nice to have.” If you travel a lot or spend time frequently with relatives it’s a nice addition.
We used the Fisher Price SnugaPuppy Swing and also know other friends with this swing. They’ve all liked it a lot. Our first daughter didn’t really like swinging that much, but many people swear by them.
I didn’t get one of these, or an Exersaucer, but I do recommend putting one on your registry as little lady loved the ones at daycare. They’re also somewhat pricey so it’s great to get them at a shower versus paying for one later on.
A Non-toxic Baby Playmat
I’m super passionate about non-toxic playmats, and you’re going to want a safe place for your baby to play once they start moving around. This isn’t really essential for a newborn if you have an activity gym, but soon enough, they will outgrow that tiny mat.
When that happens, you’re going to want a mat that protects them as they’re learning to crawl and walk. I love our Alzipmat Baby Playmat, and have done a ton of research on other non-toxic baby playmats as well. If you’re looking for more information, check out this article.
Related: The best non-toxic baby playmats for your infant
Newborn Feeding Essentials Checklist
*Check out my series on breastfeeding, specifically the best breastfeeding products to survive the first year if you plan to breastfeed your baby – which I highly recommend if you’re able.
Nursing/Pumping Supplies
Breast pump – Spectra S1 Double Electric Breast Pump
Breast milk cooler – See if you can get a cooler that fits the bottles you pump into. It will make your life a lot easier.
Breast milk storage bags – I tried a bunch of these, and the Lansinoh bags worked just fine for me. They were way cheaper than the other brands and I only had a couple that leaked – out of hundreds.
Nipple cream – Earth Mamma Organic Nipple Butter . It’s organic and non-GMO as well as lanolin free
Breastmilk Alcohol testers (so you can have a drink if you want!) – UpSpring Milk Screen Alcohol Test Strips. These aren’t really necessary but with my first I was super worried about giving her milk with any alcohol in it.
Nursing pads – I had lansinoh disposable pads and bamboobies reusable ones. I recommend getting both because you’ll be going through a lot of them. In the early days, I didn’t have time to wash the reusable ones as frequently, so I used both.
? Hot Deal: This website will send you a FREE set of reusable breast pads by using the code THEMAMMASLIST35 at checkout. You do have to pay for shipping, but it’s great if you want to snag a pair or two. The code works up to $35.
Nursing Pillow – I had both a Boppy and My Breast Friend. This will also be personal preference but I liked how you could use velcro to hold on the My Breast Friend. The Boppy can also be used for tummy time or propping up as baby learns to sit. If you can only choose one, I’d get a My Breast Friend because it really helps when you need 10 hands to master breastfeeding in the early days.
Nursing Pillow covers – You might want to grab an extra cover so you can throw one in the wash. I always put receiving blankets all over everything. I only had the original covers and we didn’t have any issues.
Planning to breastfeed? You’ll want to check this out. Get access to my FREE five-day breastfeeding mini-course here.
General Feeding
Bottles & Nipples – Again, this is baby’s preference. We tried Dr. Brown’s, Tommee Tippie, and finally settled on Lansinoh. You’ll want to look for bottles that are specific for breastfed babies if you’re breastfeeding. Always use a slow flow nipple when you’re first bottle feeding. We didn’t switch to medium flow until she was almost a year old. Babies sometimes refuse to nurse if they get used to a faster flow in the bottle.
Bottle Warmer – I didn’t bother with one of these. I nursed most of the time or she was at daycare. We just heated water in coffee mugs to warm bottles at home.
Drying Rack – Munchkin High Capacity Drying Rack
Bottle cleaning brush – Munchkin Bottle Brush. Get 2-4 of these off the bat.
Bottle dishwasher basket – Munchkin Dishwasher Basket. Great for all those parts and pieces you don’t want floating around in the bottom of the dishwasher.
High Chair – We really like the Graco Blossom 4 in 1 High Chair. However, if I was going to do it again, I’d probably get a smaller space saver high chair that attaches to your regular kitchen chairs.
Bibs – Tommee Tippee Easy Roll Bibs. Easily one of the best things we got once she could start feeding herself. We used cloth bibs at first but this was incredible for self-feeding.
Burp cloths – Aden & Anais Burpy Bibs double as a bib or burp cloth and are contoured to fit on your shoulder. We loved these.
In these next two sections, I’m just going to list the items you’ll need. Most of these are just personal preferences, or you can go with whatever’s cheapest. If a particular item stands out, or I did research on it, you’ll get a recommendation 🙂
Interested in some newborn NON-essentials?
Check out this awesome video on what you can skip… but then keep reading for the rest of the stuff you really need!
Newborn General Health Checklist
Baby Bath Essentials
Baby soap – We’ve used Johnson & Johnson Naturals Head to Toe Body Wash since she came home
BathTub – This Angelcare tub was awesome until little lady was about six months old. We used the Primo EuroBath until our first daughter was almost two. Our second daughter is a little wiggly for it at almost one, but it’s gotten a ton of use.
{Mom Tip: If you have a tiny baby they may be too small to use the Primo immediately out of the hospital. However, it’s great once they are older because it’s much easier to wash hair when your baby is laying back without water getting in their eyes.}
General Health
- Pacifiers
- Hairbrush
- Towels
- Washcloths
- Diapers
- Wipes
- Lotion – We used Vaseline or Eucerin Baby for eczema
- Thermometer – make sure to get a rectal thermometer and another to use in the mouth or armpit
- Nail clippers
- Diaper rash cream – Triple Paste is by far the best
- Humidifier
- Nasal Aspirator, or better yet, a Nose Frida (trust me on this one)
Newborn clothing essentials shopping list
You don’t really need to register for clothes because it is a favorite item for people to pick out for you. However, if there is something you specifically want, go ahead and put it on the registry. We registered for organic cotton onesies because I knew they were something I’d want our little to wear frequently.
- Onesies (A lot. You can’t underestimate how many outfits you’ll go through a week – and laundry won’t be your top priority)
- 4-8 One Piece Pajamas
- 1-3 Sweater Jackets
- 1-3 Rompers or Dress up outfits
- 4-7 Socks or booties
- 1-3 hats (soft cap for winter to cover ears)
- No scratch mittens
- Fleece suit for winter
- Swimsuit for summer baby
- Swaddle blankets
- Wearable swaddles
In case you missed it, you can get your FREE baby registry guide and printable checklist sent directly to your inbox. Drop your email below and you’ll get immediate access.
Good luck finalizing your shopping list!
Finalizing a baby registry can be stressful. Luckily with the help of research and great return policies, you’ll be able to get everything you need for baby’s first year and beyond.
Leave me a comment below if I missed any of your must-have baby items and I’ll check them out!
Newborn baby checklist printable shopping list for first time moms