new mom survival series breastfeeding and working

The New Mom Survival Series – Breastfeeding, Working & Crushing It as a New Mom

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As new moms, we all know how impossible it can feel to juggle all the things. From pumping, to sleep training and schedules, and re-entering the workforce, some days you feel like you’ll never get it all done. Have you ever wished for help figuring it out? Me too, which is why I created the new mom survival series.

Believe me, I know just how you feel!

After I had my daughter, I was exhausted and felt like I’d never truly be successful at anything ever again. Before having a child, I was the one who always had a clean house. I sent actual birthday cards in the mail to my friends. And I got above average performance reviews at work. Then I had a baby and it felt like everything came crashing down.

I barely remembered who my friends were. I jetted out of work at 5 p.m. on the dot with a pile of unfinished tasks in my wake. Don’t even get me started about the state of my living room. On top of that, I was in a love-hate relationship with our nursing lounge. I forced myself to pump as many times as necessary to cover the ounces she ate that day at daycare. (It didn’t matter that we had over 500 oz. in the freezer – I was an insane person.)

And you’re probably just like me…

Earlier this year, I sent out a reader survey to find more about what kind of content and resources you are looking for. Needless to say, I was blown away to discover many of you are facing the same struggles I was. It’s a challenge adjusting to motherhood, breastfeeding, and working.

I realized that so many of us struggle as we enter motherhood. Making the transition isn’t easy for everyone. I also knew that there was something I could do about it. I’m happy to say I successfully DID come out the other side of infancy. And so, I put together a QUICK New Mom Survival Series: a three-part guide with tips to reduce overwhelm, get on a schedule with nursing and pumping, and returning to work with a baby.

As a new mom it's so easy to be overwhelmed with the change in your life. You CAN crush it as a new mom, with a little help. Check out the survival guide for breastfeeding and working, including breastfeeding schedules, pumping schedules, and ways to combat overwhelm as a new mom.

How to combat overwhelm

The course offers detailed schedules and daily routines, tips on how to manage work stress and life stress, as well as actionable advice for breastfeeding while working away from baby.

I know how hard it can be the first few months with a newborn. Your world has been turned upside down and you’ve basically become a human milk machine who gets very little sleep.

As part of my New Mom Survival Series course launch, I created two gifts for my readers – absolutely FREE!

These videos are less than 10 minutes. That’s even short enough for someone who has to attempt to cook dinner, is covered in spit-up, and has a baby wailing on her shoulder.


First up, sleep. I know sleep is a hot topic in your life. While I’m not a miracle worker and I can’t promise that I have a magic bullet that will get you six-eight hours in a row, I do have a pretty hefty list of things you can try to get your babe sleeping longer. If you’re in the trenches, anything is worth a shot.

Click the link below to access your first gift, with 10 tips to help you get more sleep!

Here are 10 tips to get your baby sleeping through the night.

Breastfeeding and Working

As new moms, it sometimes feels impossible to figure out breastfeeding, especially if we have to leave our babies to work. Most of us hope to breastfeed for a year, but not all of us know how to get there.

When I was pregnant and made the choice to breastfeed my daughter, I was one of those moms who said, “eh, if it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work.” After I had my little one, I became obsessive about making it work. I’ll blame the hormones. I worked through a lip tie, latch issues, bruised nipples, and fought for every ounce of my freezer stash.

I was terrified of returning to work and was convinced there was no way I’d make it to a year. Through a lot of grit (and tears) we got into a groove, and I pumped at work until my daughter was 12 months. We continued our breastfeeding relationship until she was 19 months. And trust me, by then, I was so done.

If you had told me I’d make it to 19 months breastfeeding when my daughter was a month old, I would have laughed in your face.

How did you do it?

That’s exactly what my new mom survival series is all about—a guide to help take the guesswork and questions out of breastfeeding while away from your baby. It is exactly the kind of information I wish I could’ve had! AND it’s a steal. I’m currently running a special that is discounted down to $19!

>> Click here to learn more <<

To ease your mind and get some flexibility away from your baby, you need a breast milk freezer stash. If you ever want to leave your baby for more than a couple of hours, or if you’re going back to work, a freezer stash is a must. Unless you’re planning to supplement, you’ll want to have breast milk on hand in case you need to travel, your supply dips, or you just want some extra freedom!

Gift #2

In the video below, I’m sharing how to build a breast milk freezer stash. I’m going to share the exact tricks I used to keep a running freezer stash of over 500 oz. until my baby turned a year old. She had frozen breast milk until 15 months, so I felt like I was doing something right. I can’t promise the exact amount you’ll get from each pump, so this is a general number, but you’ll learn how to build up supply ASAP.

I’ve intentionally kept these videos short so you can watch them in one sitting, just over five minutes. Click below to learn how to build your freezer stash today!

How to build a breast milk freezer stash of 500+ oz

Returning to Work

As moms, we’ve all wished for about 10 extra hours per day to get things done. (Or maybe that’s just me!)

In any case, that’s exactly what my new mom survival series is all about—how to adjust and get back on track. With work, breastfeeding, and your new schedule as a mamma.

I promised in my last email to share one more tip on returning to work. I’m sharing in detail what it really takes to get back into the groove and be successful at work, while half your head is still with your baby elsewhere.

It can be a real struggle to make work your priority as a new mom. One thing that was incredibly helpful to my success returning to work was to set priorities and clear my schedule with my boss.

>> Click here to learn more <<

Two quick tips for success

When you’re at work, be present. That doesn’t mean not checking in on your baby. Just try not to spend 20 minutes scrolling through photos and videos. A caveat is unless you’re in the nursing lounge and need to stimulate output. Become laser focused and efficient. This will ensure you’re delivering on key milestones even if you have less time in the office.

Then, when you’re at home, be at home. Let your boss know that you’ll be with your family for a certain amount of time each night and that you won’t be available. If you were previously an “on-call” kind of woman, this may be a perception shift you’ll need to keep yourself sane. We’ll talk about all this and more in detail during the course.


What exactly IS the new mom survival series?

It’s a great question – so here’s the outline of what you’re getting.

The course is a PDF based e-course with video supplements that provide you with actionable advice you can use for each of  the sections:

All about Breastfeeding & Pumping: Breastfeeding (schedules, pumping, ounces, and all things nursing) with specific tips for those mammas preparing to be away from their babies.

Crushign it as a Working & Breastfeeding Mom: Re-entering the workforce and how to succeed at work as a new mom. Your entire life has changed since you went on maternity leave, but you can still be successful as a working mamma. You just might need some help at first, which is where this course comes in ?

>> Click here to learn more <<

Who is this course really for?

It’s not ONLY for moms returning to work, although that is a focus area. This course will help anyone who wants to find more balance, succeed at work with a baby, and who has questions about breastfeeding while away from your baby. I found that all of these topics are stressors for moms during the first year, and they’re usually related.

What if, in the next three months, you were able to get out of the baby rut and get your life back on track? If you could feel like you were succeeding at work, were hitting your breastfeeding goals, and were able to have time to yourself and to nurture your friendships? How would your life be different?

If you are truly ready to learn how to juggle it all, combat overwhelm, and succeed when you go back to work, click here to learn more. Don’t miss out on the awesome offer!

Who is the course NOT for?

Good question. One quick answer is that it’s NOT for anyone who opted into my beta course in 2019. That course was a pilot version of this course. I offered it at an extremely discounted price that’s never coming back. If you snagged it for that deal, you’re awesome, and this isn’t for you. If you want to see the updated version, just email me and I’ll send them your way.

This course is also not for anyone who has seamlessly adjusted to motherhood. If you have no concerns about breastfeeding or ever being away from your baby.  If you know you aren’t going to leave your baby ever (for work or play). Or if you have no questions about breastfeeding, schedules, or success at work, this course probably isn’t for you. If you’re not overwhelmed or need to breastfeed away from your baby, you probably won’t get much out of the course.

Want more information? Already sold? Click below to jump in!


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