Gift Guide for New Moms

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I love the holidays. Everyone seems to move into the hustle and bustle of shopping, hot chocolate, and parties. The excitement of getting together with friends and family brings a lot of energy to what would otherwise be a dark and cold season before we get into the new year. It’s also the last chance you have to hit any big goals before starting fresh again. And there are presents. Since shopping is sometimes challenging, I’ve put together this gift guide for new moms so you can check her off your list.

What I DON’T love about the holidays is the obligation to get gifts for everyone you know. Let me be clear. I LOVE giving a great gift that I find and know that someone will absolutely love. What I don’t like is feeling forced to find the perfect gift due to an arbitrary time of year. If you’ve seen any of my other gift guides, you probably already know this about me 🙂 

I like to stock up on fun and reasonable gifts throughout the year so I have them on hand, and if I find something that is perfect for a friend or family member, I buy it – no matter what time of year. I don’t believe gifts should be relegated to the December holidays. I’m posting my gift guides NOW so that you can stock up on any Black Friday or Cyber Monday deals – and have the gifts for as long as you need them!

If you’re also shopping for other people, check out my list of gift guides below:

  1. The Ultimate Gift Guide for Infants
  2. Gift Guide for Toddlers 12-18 Months
  3. A Gift Guide for Toddlers 18-36 Months
  4. Gift Guide for Dad 
  5. Gift Guide for Expecting Moms 

This post probably contains affiliate links. That means if you buy something using one of my links I may receive a small commission – at no additional cost to you! How cool is that? It’s kind of boring, but feel free to read my full disclosure if you want more info.

I’m adding to the list (and I update my gift guides at least once a year!) — so if you’re looking for a gift guide for all your new mom friends, you’re in the right place. The items below are sure to make a new mom thrilled – and so happy you guys are friends!

Ultimate Gift Guide for New Moms

Two hours of free babysitting

This one is great for a new or expecting mom. Most new mammas won’t feel comfortable leaving their babies with a stranger, so what better way to pamper your friend than by giving her a few hours to herself? Alone time isn’t something a new mom is getting a lot of so this could just be the perfect gift. She can go out and get a manicure, go on a date with her husband, or even just run some errands without a baby in the backseat. I know this may be a little challenging in 2020, but it’s a great way to show her that you care, even if it’s an offer for the future.

Also – it’s super economical since all it costs is your time!

Gift certificate for a house cleaner

This one can be expensive, but is SUCH a good gift for a new mom. The house always seems to be a mess and there is so.much.laundry. Getting someone to come help out can be a game-changer.

Meal delivery subscription for a month 

As a new mom, who has time to cook? And what’s better than not having to meal plan? A meal delivery subscription is an ultimate new mom gift. You can also just drop off food once a week for a month if the meal delivery plan isn’t in your budget. Both would be incredibly helpful for your new mom friend.

A gift certificate to her favorite restaurant 

Maybe not having to cook at all is even better than a meal delivery plan. A gift card to her favorite restaurant is great for those times when she just can’t even fathom getting to the kitchen and there are no leftovers in sight.

Spa gift certificate 

Make sure the expiration is at least a year in advance! This is a fantastic gift, and one you can jump in on. It will give mamma a chance to pamper herself with some alone time. However, you don’t want to pressure her with a gift that will expire in two months. With a new baby it’s hard to see more than a few weeks into the future – so she’ll want to know this is good anytime.

Gift certificate for a manicure/pedicure

This is another no brainer. Time to herself AND a fresh mani/pedi – it’s the ultimate gift. Bonus points if you buy one for yourself at the same time and offer to go together.

Wine of the month club 

Because she can finally drink again, but might not have a lot of time to head out to the store and stock up.

If a wine subscription isn’t in the budget, she’ll appreciate these wine stoppers too.

Cozy robe 

New moms spend a lot of time taking care of other people. Remind her that she deserves to be taken care of as well with a cozy robe. She’ll wear it a lot around the house with a newborn, trust me.

New comfy PJS 

Her body might not be the same but she’ll definitely appreciate some comfy sleepwear!

Luxury facial lotion or shampoo 

So she can pamper herself without needing to leave the house. It’s not like she’s sleeping.

Any of the above items will make mamma feel appreciated and will let her know you are thinking of her – even when she hasn’t called you back in three weeks and possibly hasn’t showered in two days. Let me know if I left anything awesome off the list. 

Did you like this post? Pin it for later so you can come back to find your perfect gifts! Sharing is caring!

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