The best diaper bag backpack and duffel, for infants and toddlers

The best diaper bag backpack and duffel, for infants and toddlers

As a new mom, one of the most important things you’ll use almost every day is your diaper bag. It’s incredibly important that you like your diaper bag and that it’s functional. There’s nothing more frustrating than trying to deal with a baby blowout with a huge tote bag full of stuff — and you…

How building a diaper stockpile will save you money baby’s first year

How building a diaper stockpile will save you money baby’s first year

As a mom-to-be or new mom, you’re likely overwhelmed with all the changes in your life. Compounding all this change is a shift in your lifestyle and spending. You’re likely dealing with childcare costs or have reduced your income to stay at home with your baby. And man, baby stuff can be EXPENSIVE. One of…

Baby Registry Guide: Baby Essentials – Feeding, Clothing & General Health

Baby Registry Guide: Baby Essentials – Feeding, Clothing & General Health

I found registering for a baby to be a difficult process, mainly because I had no idea what to get. I didn’t want to just register for the most expensive items, because wow, you need a lot of stuff. There are so many essential baby items, feeding, clothing, sleeping, bath, and general health. And I…