Liebster Award for New Blogs & More About Me Than You Ever Wanted to Know
Hi everyone! I am so excited to be sharing this post with you guys. I was nominated for a Liebster award by Brennan at Our Home On Purpose late last year, and I can’t wait to explain what it’s all about!
This post probably contains affiliate links. That means if you buy something using one of my links I may receive a small commission – at no additional cost to you! How cool is that? It’s kind of boring, but feel free to read my full disclosure if you want more info.
What the heck is a Liebster Award?
The Liebster Award is an award for new bloggers from other bloggers, and there are a few things you have to do to accept and continue to spread the word:
- First things first, this is an award for NEW blogs – those that have less than 200 followers. You can’t go nominating your favorite blogger who has 1.5 million followers. I’m sure she’d appreciate it, but that’s not the point
- You need to link back to the blog that nominated you, and describe a bit about what they do
- Updated in 2018 you need to write a little blurb about what makes you passionate about blogging
- Post 10 random facts about yourself (optional)
- Nominate 5-11 blogs to receive the award
- Post the rules
What’s the goal?
That’s it! The goal of the Liebster award is to just bring more awareness and promote new bloggers, and it just feels good to have some recognition for all the hard work you put in. I know I sometimes feel that I’m only writing for myself, so a little engagement can go a long way.
The full rules for 2018 are detailed and linked in this blog post.
I want to thank Brennan from Our Home on Purpose for my nomination. If you couldn’t guess from her blog title, she writes about intentional homemaking, focusing on organization, meals, and all things home and lifestyle. Her blog is so well written and approachable and I really think you’ll love checking out what she has to say. I personally love her article 6 simple and effective ways to make a weekly plan that works!
Why I blog:
And now a little about why I blog… I started this blog because I did SO much research when my little lady was born, and spent so many hours scouring the internet and searching other blogs for information on all things parenting. I can’t count the hours I spent nursing with a baby in one hand and a phone in another looking up products, sleep tips, or solace in the knowledge that other moms were struggling with the same things we were. Once I figured out people actually made money doing this, I was sold and knew I had to try it out. Although I haven’t been able to successfully monetize, I have gained a ton of knowledge about blogging and the internet, and I’m now able to share all my crazy research and thoughts on parenting with my little bit of cyberspace. I’m going to continue to grow and learn, and will hopefully get a little more skilled at this blogging thing while continuing to share my research/planning obsession with the world.
10 Things You Didn’t Know About Me
Although this part is optional, I think it’s fun to do random lists to learn a bit more about people. In no particular order, here are a few random facts about me.
- I love lists. Maybe this is one you already knew, but it’s so true. I love making a plan and checklist and accomplishing things I’ve set out to do. Normally I have multiple running lists of things I’m trying to plan.
- I eat like a child. Chicken fingers and french fries sound like a fine meal to me.
- I’m a lover of travel and studied and spent time abroad after graduating college. I’ve been to Europe, Asia, and South America and love seeing new places and experiencing different cultures.
- Although I love to travel, I’m a homebody. Even before having a child I was content to stay in and watch TV on the weekends.
- When I’m on vacation I prefer to hang out reading or relaxing in the shade by the pool and eating. I don’t like sand or too much sun, and trekking through museums isn’t my thing.
- Sleeping is one of my favorite hobbies. My husband said my spirit animal is a bear because I can go into hibernation and sleep for 12 hours. This hasn’t happened since having a child, but I still LOVE my sleep.
- I love sending (and receiving) snail mail greeting cards. I don’t always get them out for everyone’s birthday but I try hard to at least send a birthday or holiday card every year.
- Home decor and coming up with DIY improvement projects are passion points and a huge hobby. We only do the DIY options to save money and would actually prefer to hire someone to do the work for us.
- I hate tomatoes and the smell of ketchup makes me gag. I actually paid someone to clean up a broken bottle of ketchup when I was a waitress because I didn’t want to touch it.
- Not only am I an avid shopper – I’m a huge returner. I buy a lot of things but have both high standards and buyers remorse. I end up returning at least half of what I buy.
1. How do you help people with your blog, and how would you describe your blogging style?
This is a bit of a repeat, but here it is again. I help people by providing well researched tips and recommendations (and thoughts from someone who’s been there) on products, parenting struggles, financial planning and getting through motherhood one day at a time. I strive to be authentic and approachable in my writing style. I’d really like my readers to feel like they’re sitting on my couch having a conversation with me.
2. Who helped you start your blog?
I started my blog with the 10 Day Blogging Quickstart by Abby @ Justagirlandherblog (FREE!) I wish I’d gotten it earlier, but a little later I took Suzi’s Blog by Number course, by Suzi @ Start a Mom Blog.
10 Day Blogging Quickstart
This blog began with Abby’s 10 day quick start. It is a 10 day email course that is jam packed with information on how to get set up. She is super detailed and helpful at walking you through the process. I do wish I’d taken some time to do additional brainstorming or learn about the technical side of blogging before I just jumped in, but that’s not the course’s fault! If you’re looking for a free resource to get started, this is it. She provides so much information I really couldn’t believe it was free.
Blog By Number
Blog by Number is an amazing resource with detailed videos that show you EXACTLY what you need to do to create your blog, and it teaches you the basics of driving traffic. I’d still recommend doing some technical research before starting just so you make solid decisions when you get set up. For more information on how I got started, and my first few months of progress, check out my November blogging report!
3. What is the best tip you learned as a teenager to handle money?
I learned this at a young age, but my dad always had me put 50% of any money I got into my piggy bank or savings account. He said I should always save a little bit of any money I earned. I’ve had a savings account for as long as I can remember, and I got a checking account when I was 12. My parents always taught me the importance of saving money. Right after college I developed a small emergency fund. As soon as I had the means, we developed an eight month emergency savings account, and haven’t stopped saving since. I definitely believe that these habits were developed when I was younger.
4. For what are you grateful?
This is an easy one. I’m so grateful for my family and friends, specifically this past year for my daughter who is growing into a rambunctious toddler and lights up my life, and my husband who has supported me in so many ways. My mom has also gone above and beyond, and I’ve had a lot of really supportive friends reach out when I’ve gone through hard times. I am grateful to have my house and the ability to provide for our family, as well as the luxury to travel and see the world. Most of all I’m grateful for our health and to see what the future holds for my family.
5. How do you want to improve yourself over the next year?
One of my big business goals for the year is to grow and develop this blog. Personally I want to tackle issues I’ve faced most of my life, my struggles with anxiety and depression. I’ve been on and off medication since my early twenties, and have seen psychologists since I was a child. I’d gone through a great patch while pregnant and nursing, and recently had a setback in early 2018. I want to focus on coping better and managing these issues so that I’m able to be a better parent and partner. I don’t have to worry about how my mental health will affect my family.
- Believing in Beauty – Elizabeth is the lovely blogger behind Believing in Beauty, and she writes about beauty, self-esteem and lifestyle topics. I LOVE her feminine theme and her color scheme and images just make me feel prettier by being on the site!
- Messy & Mine – Jess blogs over at Messy & Mine and is a fellow parenting blogger. I found many of her posts incredibly helpful and I’d like to think we’re blogging kindred spirits with daughters close in age. I’m also DEFINITELY coming back here as we plan our upcoming Disney trip.
- Chaos & Quiet– Laura started Chaos & Quiet to bring a little calm to the chaos of life with two jobs, three kids, and a household to run. I feel like her article “the myth of having it all” was written just for me, and if you’re a working mom I recommend giving it a read.
- So Candidly Kathryn – Kathryn’s goal with her blog is to celebrate joy. She writes about self care and life as a step-mom, with a dose of health & wellness and chronic illness. Her blog is a great resource and inspiration.
- Haylee and Co -Haylee is a wife and mom of four, and what drew me to her blog were the amazing photos, which I learned as I read her blog – she takes herself. If you’re interested in a few candid photography tips, check them out here! Her photos are definitely pro quality and swoon worthy for any mommy blogger.
To my nominees:
If you choose to accept this nomination, please feel free to answer any of my five questions above, or choose from any of the questions listed below. Check out the 2018 rules and start searching out new blogs to review! Also – If any of your blogs aren’t quite so new, apologies for my mistake. I’ve been checking out lots of blogs lately and sometimes it’s hard to keep track!
- Which movie character (can be an actor in a specific move or animated) best represents you or your life and why?
- What is your favorite vacation destination and why?
- What’s the most challenging thing you’ve faced or obstacle you’ve overcome?
- What are you most proud of?
- If you had an additional day of the week to spend any way you wanted, what would you do?
If you’ve made it this far I thank you for sticking with me! I hope you learned a little more about this blog, as well as Brennan. Please check out my nominees as well!
Carly, I identify with almost everything you said! I love lists (obviously, too), my husband says sleeping is my favorite hobby, and I too am a homebody that loves a good trip abroad. 🙂 I loved reading about you, and I also respect your honesty about anxiety and depression. I can relate to that as well and I’m learning all the time how to manage it better when it pops up!
Thanks for your kind words about my site – so glad to connect 🙂