The funniest parenting quotes of Instagram

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As a new mom, one of the things that got me through was knowing that other moms were struggling with the same issues. Parenting quotes are one of the ways I felt connected to other moms who were going through the same things. Feeling like I was less alone made the long nights, painful latch, and leaky boobs a little more bearable. 


I’ve always loved quotes, but when I was on maternity leave, reading parenting quotes just made my day. I’ve rounded up some of the best and funniest quotes about parenting and mom life on Instagram for your viewing pleasure. There are so many hysterical things that happen when you become a parent, they might as well be celebrated. 


You’re welcome in advance.


If you keep them alive, you’re doing it right.

Oh, mom life…




Parenting quotes about bodily functions are funny. There’s so much pee.


You’re always a losing battle somewhere.


If you haven’t hit toddler hood yet you might not get this one, but just know, baby shark is coming.


I am pretty sure I said this while pregnant.


Pick your days. It’s fine.


Sleep deprivation does funny things to your brain.


Even when you give up everything for them, sometimes, it’s not enough.


Sometimes you just have to let it go.


This is the story of the first year of motherhood in one quote.

Related: Safe Sunscreen for Babies and Toddlers (to save you some googling)

Amazing. Mom is always right.


Tru dat.

Related: How to get over working mom guilt. Because yes, there’s guilt.

Yup. This will happen at some point.


Why is dinner so hard?!?



I hope these parenting quotes brighten your day a bit. As a new mom in the trenches I know you need all the encouragement, love, and laughs that you can get. I love a good mom moment, and I definitely laughed out loud when I read a few of these. Let me know which one you relate to most in the comments below!


Sharing is caring. If you liked these quotes, feel free to share them on Facebook or Pinterest!


Sometimes you just need to laugh to get through the craziness of motherhood. Here are the funniest parenting quotes of instagram to add a little cheer in your day. And to remind you that you're not alone in this crazy mom life.


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  1. I loved this collection of mom life quotes. My favorite is sharing the body quote. SO TRUE! When my kids aggravate me, I say in a very loud voice and have hand motions to go with it, I BIRTHED YOU!

  2. I love, love, love this post!!!! I wasn’t as into reading funny parenting and motherhood quotes as I am now. My daughter is 2 1/2 and my son is almost 5 months, but find myself cracking up at every quote I see on Instagram, especially when it relates to parenting a toddler. The days are challenging with a toddler and baby so these quotes lighten my mood and give me something to laugh about!

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